Slumbot Commands

/8ballMagic 8 Slumball
/balanceCheck Balance
/begBeg for Slumballs
/bjPlay Blackjack
/bmBlack Market
/bombsPlay Slum-Bombz
/brushBrush Teeth
/buffsCheck Buffs
/clanClan Commands
/connect4Slumnect 4
/craftCraft Items
/crimeCommit a Crime
/dailyDaily Rewards
/depositDeposit to your SlumBank Account
/effectsCheck Effects
/fishGo Fishing
/hackHack Something
/hangupEnd Phone Call
/hatchHatch Egg
/helpHelp Commands
/infoItem Information
/inventoryView Inventory
/openOpen Boxes
/petsPet Management
/plantPlant Slumseeds
/prestigePrestige System
/profileView Profile
/questsQuest Log
/recycleRecycle Items
/robRob Another User
/roulettePlay Roulette
/rpsRock Paper Slumscissors
/settingsBot Settings
/shop farmFarm Shop
/shop generatorsGenerator Shop
/shop itemsItem Shop
/slumcoinSlumCoin Exchange
/slumphoneStart Phone Call
/slumtownTown of Slum
/titleSet Title
/transmuteTransmute Items
/unfishStop Fishing
/useUse Item
/weeklyWeekly Rewards
/withdrawWithdraw from your Slumbank Account
/wpmWords Per Minute