Magic 8 Slumball/8ball <question>
Ask the magic 8 slumball a question.
/8ball will i win the lottery?
Check Balance/balance [@user]
View your or another user's current balance of Slumballs and SlumCoins.
/balance @johnson
Beg for Slumballs/beg
Beg for some Slumballs.
Play Blackjack/bj <bet>
Play a game of SlumBlackjack.
/bj 1k
Black Market/bm <buy/view>
Access the SlumBlack Market to obtain special items.
/bm buy void fragment
Play Slum-Bombz/bombs [bet]
Play a game of SlumBombz.
/bombs 3aa
Brush Teeth/brush
Brush your teeth every 12 hours to receive Slumballs and a random item.
Bull-Slum/bs [bet?]
Start a Bull-Slum (BS) lobby. Call others' bluffs to win!
/bs 500
Check Buffs/buffs [@user]
View your or another user's your active buffs.
/buffs @franko
Chicken/chicken <bet>
Help the SlumChicken across the road. Watch out for cars.
/chicken 1k
Clan Commands/clan <create/view/invite/promote/demote/kick/leave>
Manage or view a clan, join a clan, invite to clan.
/clan view slumgods
Slumnect 4/connect4 <@user> [bet?]
Play Slumnect Four against another player.
/connect4 @slumlord 500
Craft Items/craft
Craft new items using materials in your inventory.
Slumbo-Crash/crash <bet | all | sell>
Bet on the multiplier and cash out before it crashes! High risk, high reward.
/crash 50b
Commit a Crime/crime
Commit a crime for potential rewards. Watch out for the SlumPolice!
Daily Rewards/daily
Claim your daily rewards.
Deposit to your SlumBank Account/deposit <amount | all>
Deposit your Slumballs into your bank for safekeeping.
/deposit 1000
Check Effects/effects [@user]
View your or another user's active status effects.
/effects @johnny
Emoji/emoji <equip/trade/clear/list>
Equip/trade/view emojis. (Premium only)
/emoji equip 🐸
Manage your Slumball Farm.
Go Fishing/fish
Cast your line and catch valuable fish!
Hack Something/hack
Play a random hacking minigame.
End Phone Call/hangup
End your current Slumphone call.
Hatch Egg/hatch <egg>
Hatch an egg to get a new pet!
/hatch squillbo spirit
Help Commands/help <category>
Get help for different categories.
/help games
Item Information/info <item>
Get detailed information about specific items.
/info cybernetic core
View Inventory/inventory
Check your current inventory.
Fly through Slumspace looking for a new planet. (Premium only)
Open Boxes/open <box>
Open various boxes and containers.
/open legendary slumbox
Pet Management/pets
View and manage your pet collection.
Plant Slumseeds/plant <seed>
Plant Slumseeds in your Slumball Farm.
/plant slumgrain seeds
Pop some Slumballs.
Prestige System/prestige
Access the prestige system.
View Profile/profile [@user]
View your or another user's profile information.
/profile @flarmo
Quest Log/quests
Check your active and available quests.
Recycle Items/recycle
Recycle unwanted items for a new one.
Rob Another User/rob <@user>
Attempt to rob another user. Don't get caught.
/rob @frond
Play Roulette/roulette <bet> <position>
Start a Slum-Roulette lobby.
/roulette 100m black
Rock Paper Slumscissors/rps <@user> [bet]
Play Rock Paper Slumscissors against other players with optional bets.
/rps @flarmo 100
Scratch your daily ticket for a chance to win items. (Premium only)
Bot Settings/settings
Configure your Slumbot settings.
/shop farm
Farm Shop/shop farm
Browse available Slumseeds for purchase.
/shop farm
/shop generators
Generator Shop/shop generators
View and purchase Slumball Generators
/shop generators
/shop items
Item Shop/shop items
Browse available Slumbot items to purchase.
/shop items
SlumSlots/slots <bet>
Try your luck on the SlumSlots machine!
/slots 100
SlumBay/slumbay <view/buy/list/remove>
Player marketplace to buy, sell, and list items.
/slumbay list slumboost 450
SlumCoin Exchange/slumcoin <buy/rate>
Buy SlumCoins or check current exchange rates.
/slumcoin buy 10
Start Phone Call/serverphone
Use the slumphone system to call other servers.
Town of Slum/slumtown
Start a Town of Slum lobby. (Premium only)
SlumWords/slumwords [user] [bet]
Help Slumbot guess a word by giving one word clues, or challenge another user to see who can give the best hints.
/slumwords @swift 5k
Space /space
View your Slumspace progress. (Premium only)
View your Slumbot statistics.
Slum-Tac-Toe/tictactoe <@user> [bet]
Play Tic Tac Toe against another player.
/tictactoe @slumlord 200
Set Title/title <title>
Set your active profile title.
/title noob mode
Leaderboards/top <category>
View various leaderboards.
/top balance
Transmute Items/transmute
Transmute items into a different form with a Philosopher's Slumstone.
Stop Fishing/unfish
Reel in your line and stop fishing.
Use Item/use <item>
Use an item from your inventory.
/use super bait
Weekly Rewards/weekly
Claim your weekly rewards. (Premium only)
Withdraw from your Slumbank Account/withdraw <amount | all>
Withdraw Slumballs from your bank account.
/withdraw 5k
Words Per Minute/wpm
Test your typing speed or challenge users to a type race.